I’m often asked “What should I eat for lunch”.
I could give you fancy recipes to make for yourself, but realistically, they won’t happen. We barley have time to eat, let alone prepare something elaborate to bring to the office. Here are some FAST and virtually thoughtless options to bring with you to the workplace.
In my opinion, lunch is the trickiest meal of the day. My best advice:
I know it sounds time-consuming, But if you plan ahead, you will be prepared.
1)The Night before, prepare your lunch. All you will need is a Tupperware, or some sort of container to bring your food with you. Small plastic sandwich bags work perfectly as well!
GREEN SALAD- In a Tupperware, mix spinach and romaine lettuce.
- Top with any veggies you like! Cucumbers, carrots, tomato, canned artichoke, steamed beets etc.
- Make sure to add some healthy fat such as 1/4 avocado, or 1 TBS nuts or seeds.
- If you are a meat eater, consider two turkey roll ups (turkey deli meat rolled up and sliced. Lots of stores sell pre-prepared grilled chicken as well
- If you’re a vegetarian, opt for 1/4 cup black beans, or hardboiled egg whites (one whole hardboiled egg is fine too)
- Bring your dressing on the side, make sure it’s low fat (Opt for a vinegar base..low fat ranch isn’t a good option..sorry
- Bring a piece of fruit on the side
**NOTE= if you work in an office or have access to a fridge, consider bringing a low-fat dressing with you. OR MAKE YOUR OWN!!! Combine 1/2 juiced lemon with about 2 TBS vinegar, plus salt and pepper to taste. It is delicious and super healthy.
Veggie or Turkey Wrap- Lots of people hate how a sandwich or wrap gets soggy.
***TIP= bring the ingredients and assemble it before you eat!
- 2 slices turkey (pref organic), or pre-prepared grilled chicken
- VEG OPTION= 2TBS hummus
- Lettuce, tomato, onion, 1/4 avocado (Maybe try a new ingredient like roasted red pepper!
- Make it open-faced (and save yourself some calories) with ONE slice of gluten-free bread
- Make it a wrap with a gluten-free wrap (I love Trader Joe’s brown rice wraps)
- add some mustard or hot sauce
- Bring a small baggy of carrots with a small Tupperware of salsa
LEFT OVERS: This one is super easy and convenient!
- When you are preparing your HEALTHY dinner, make just a little bit extra
TIP** I find that stir fries or steamed veggies with quinoa or brown rice work best
- Throw a portion into a Tupperware and put that in the fridge. In the morning GRAB IT AND GO!!!
1) Find a great salad bar or a “to go” restaurant that specializes in “Make your own salads”.
- Stick with mostly raw veggies. LOAD UP!
- avoid veggies that are cooked in oils
- avoid: cheese and nuts (you never know how much they are putting on there)
- If you can, opt for fresh squeezed Lemon juice and plain balsamic vinegar
- If you need dressing, get a fat free or low fat dressing on the side. Dip your fork in the dressing and then into your salad for a bite! (again, steer clear of the cream based dressings)
2) Buy a sandwich….and DITCH THE BREAD
- Most of the time, a sandwich at the store has meat, cheese, and veggies. The major bad guy is that HUGE roll it’s served on. Throw out the bread RIGHT AWAY (that will eliminate any sort of temptation).
- Ask for an extra packet of mustard or hot sauce and cover the sandwich insides.
- **If there is cheese, limit it to one slice!
- Grab a piece of fruit for an extra snack
- ALSO AWESOME: Pickles!
TIP* If you’re still hungry, go for a side of VEGETABLE based broth soup.
3) Little Snacks:
Bring Turkey roll ups, baby carrots and hummus, 1 tbs nuts and apple
- These items literally take 3 minutes to grab out of your fridge. If you don’t have time to dish your ingredients into a Tupperware, grab the entire package out of the fridge. Make sure to portion out your hummus when It’s time to eat (2 TBS), and go for as many carrots as you want! Limit the turkey to two pieces.
- This may seem like a small meal, but it should hold you over until you can get something else!
TIP: Keep things at your desk. A jar of nut butter, rice cakes, apples, oranges and bananas keep well. If you have a fridge, keep a bag of carrots (or any veggie), hummus.
I really hope this helps. If you have any questions feel free to email me at:
***My good friend Jane over at Fitforbroadway.com and I are collaborating on a downloadable EBOOK! More details to come, but I promise you will not be disappointed!!!!
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